Lea also writes that Frost’s intent, in writing the poem, was to satirize his friend, Edward Thomas, who would frequently dither over which road he and Frost should walk. In one of the most enjoyable books I own (among books on Frost) Lea Newman relates that according to a survey of 18,000 written, recorded and videotaped responses, this poem (along with Robert Frost) is America’s most popular poem – a probably more accurate poll than the self-selected poll done by. Part of the magic is in how Frost loosens meter to obtain a more colloquial tone. One of the loveliest poems in the English language is Frost’s The Road Not Taken.

To find all the posts I’ve written on Robert Frost, click here. Febru– If you enjoy Frost, you might like reading Birches along with a c o l o r c o d e d scansion of Birches included in my post on Frost’s Mending Wall.

If scansion is new to you, check out my post on the basics.